The Chinese Communist Party Has Seriously Misjudged On Decoupling From The United States

In the Grand Live Broadcast on September 4th, Miles Guo revealed that in the past ten months, the CCP has been seriously underestimating the U.S. economic and technological decoupling strategy.

 The U.S. decoupling of the CCP is divided into two areas, namely, decoupling in the economic and trade areas, and decoupling in science and technology. As a result of the news that the “Wolf warrior” Qin Gang had just received from the U.S. over the past ten months, had made the CCP mistakenly believing that the Biden administration would eliminate tariffs under the Trump administration, Xi Jinping ordered a moratorium on military operations against Taiwan and even asked for cooperation with U.S. political developments to try to ensure that the U.S. Democratic Party would not lose too badly in the midterm elections.

 The CCP had naively believed that the U.S. technology decoupling would come to an abrupt end after the first phase of not providing chips and EDA technology, that it would not proceed to the second phase, which would require U.S. technology companies to withdraw from the CCP and stop all past services; and that it would not develop to the third phase, which would sanction all U.S. companies that continue to work with the CCP.

 Instead, the U.S. surprised the Communist China by directly blocking the process of producing chips, and moved directly to the third stage, sanctioning companies that cooperate with the Communist China, which clearly indicates that the U.S. already regards the Communist China as the enemy in terms of technology.

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