New Federal State Of China | Whistleblower Movement

Day: September 6, 2022

COVID-19 Vaccine

Israeli Government Lied and Covered Up Long-Lasting Harmful Effects of Covid Injections and Corporate Media Refuses to Cover the Story

Steve Kirsch detailed the proof that Israel found serious safety problems with the Covid “vaccines” and then deliberately covered it up. “Israel didn’t start to gather safety data until a year into the vaccine program. They gathered 6 months’ worth of data and found that the vaccines weren’t safe so they lied to the world about it,” he wrote.

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COVID-19 Vaccine

159 Children dead, 1.2k disabled, 14.5k hospitalised & 55k injured due to COVID Vaccination in the USA according to CDC

The latest figures published by the USA’s Centers for Disease Control reveal over 56,000 children have been injured due to Covid-19 vaccination across the USA, and sadly 1,174 of these children either suffered a life-threatening event or a permanent disability, while tragically a further 159 children sadly lost their lives.

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Academia‘s Misinformation

Wikispooks Vanishes from the Net – Have the Spreaders of Disinformation Had Anything to Do with It?

Wikispooks is a small online encyclopaedia for the study of deep politics. It includes many topics not covered completely or accurately in Wikipedia, for example, sexual blackmail, the Epstein network, intelligence services infiltrating media, genocidal billionaires, the World Economic Forum Young Global Leaders, the Bilderberg network, war propaganda and more.

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COVID-19 Vaccine

Confidential Pfizer COVID Vaccine Documents state ‘Shedding’ is possible via ‘Skin-to-Skin Contact’ & ‘Breathing the same Air’ and can cause ‘Menstrual Cycle Disruption’ & ‘Miscarriage’

Hundreds if not thousands of women have reported that they have suffered irregular bleeding/clotting after receiving one of the mRNA Covid vaccines. Sadly thousands of others have also now reported the loss of their unborn/newborn child.

However, there also now exist hundreds of testimonies made by women who are claiming that they have lost their baby or suffered irregular bleeding/clotting after being in the company of others who have received one of the mRNA Covid vaccines.

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