CCP’s Financial War Will End in Disaster For Chinese People

In the Grand Live Broadcast on August 31st, Miles Guo pointed out that the worldwide financial and monetary war launched by the evil Chinese Communist Party (CCP) had fully begun.

Miles explained that the CCP would have some success for a while and get overconfident and believe that its strategy to defeat the U.S. and Europe with the digital Yuan had won. However, this will open up another huge global disaster for the Chinese people. Without reforming the political and financial system, the CCP is fantasizing that it is possible to challenge the U.S. and Europe by waging a currency war. But in the end, the operation of its dictatorial system with its high energy consumption and high-cost will surely fail, and the unfair distribution of wealth in the whole society, the corruption of the CCP, and the early arrival of the food crisis will lead to a complete collapse of the CCP.

With the full-scale launch of the CCP’s financial war against the U.S. and Europe, the cause of the Whistleblower Movement to take down the CCP will have reached a critical moment. Therefore, Miles then reminded the fellow fighters not to get involved in this financial war. As long as nobody does not get involved, the Whistleblower Movement will be the final winner.

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