CCP Mistreat The Chinese People

Extreme heat waves in communist China this summer have exposed the backward and harmful sewer drainage system to the world. Untreated waste material deposits from industries and factories have been continuously dumped into the ocean 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. This must have caused unimaginable devastation to the marine ecosystem and people’s life.

During his live broadcast, Miles Guo recalled his experience at the Hainan Submarine Base. He told a senior CCP official that the construction of the base would pollute the environment and endanger people’s livelihood. But the official did not take Miles’s concern seriously, calling Miles naive.

Miles denounced the CCP elite for treating people like garbage. The CCP elite only care about their wealth and their children. They don’t care about the devastating pollution they have caused. The CCP’s reckless economic operations have already destroyed mountains and rivers and impacted millions of Chinese people’s livelihood.

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