New Federal State Of China | Whistleblower Movement

Science Is just a Microparticle in the Universe

Miles Guo stated on his Grand Live Broadcast on August 28 that in today’s chaotic world, wealth and power do not equal wisdom. When it comes to the cosmos and nature, science is nothing more than a fig leaf and a tool for human ignorance.

Many people perform actions in accordance with a specific scientific guideline. The origin of humans, various human DNA and mRNA and RNA that have been studied recently, can only be measured by a scientific standard. Humans cannot breathe in water, but fish can exist in water but cannot breathe on land. Both have been there for a long time and appear to be simple, but science cannot explain them. It is common sense that exercise can keep you healthy, but bears who move slowly and do not exercise live a long time; rats whose hearts beat almost as fast as humans can only survive for a few years; and a huge elephant’s heart beats about 28 times per minute, but its life span is similar to that of humans. God makes birds fly in the clouds, humans stand on two feet and walk on the earth, and fish in the sea can only swim and never sleep, among other things.

All of these natural occurrences demonstrate that scientific criteria alone cannot adequately explain the cause and effect of biological origin. Humans are illiterate in the face of the realities of the cosmos, nature, and biological genesis, and the scientific trace is as small as a grain of wheat.

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