New Federal State Of China | Whistleblower Movement

North Korea will Forsake the Communist China

Miles Guo indicated in his grand live broadcast on August 28 that after watching Russia’s failure in the Russia-Ukraine war and the decline of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), North Korea is likely to reconcile with the US at any time.

Miles asserted that Russia has lost its power to defy Western Allies, despite the fact that the US named it the #1 threat to US national security in 2016. Now, the CCP has been branded as the biggest threat by the US, meaning that the CCP is doomed and that the Taiwan Strait battle will bury the CCP like Russia’s invasion of Ukraine did for Russia.

Following the loss of Russian President Putin and the CCP, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un is likely to make a deal with the US at any time, like Turkey did. After North Korea abandons the CCP, Iran, many Middle Eastern countries, and Pakistan, the so-called CCP’s “friend,” all rush to work with the US and Europe.

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