New Federal State Of China | Whistleblower Movement

The Mechanism of Ivermectin in Killing the CCP Virus

In a recent program in Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan, Dr. Omura Satoshi, the Nobel Prize Winner of Physiological Medicine and the Chemist and Dr. Koren Nakajima, a member of House of Representatives, had a dialogue on Ivermectin, the champion in the fight against the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus.

 Dr. Omura Satoshi has dedicated his life to macrolide antibiotics study. In the dialogue about the effectiveness of Ivermectin against the CCP virus, he explained that he analyzed the data on onchocerciasis. He found out that the key role of Ivermectin is to activate the immune system rather than to target the virus directly.  

 The kinase induced by CCP virus infection has the structure of phosphorylated proteins and immunosuppressive effect. Ivermectin blocks this kinase and inactivates its activity to allow the immune system function properly and produce antibodies to destroy the virus.

 In addition, in March 2020, at the beginning of CCP virus pandemic, the Australian Professor Maezawa communicated with Dr. Omura Satoshi. He said that Ivermectin was clearly effective in killing the CCP virus and the pharmaceutical industry should prepare enough ivermectin for fight against CCP virus.

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