New Federal State Of China | Whistleblower Movement

Jho Low is a Key Figure Behind the “1MDB Scandal” and the US Judicial Corruption

On August 16, 2022, the Supreme Court of Malaysia rejected former Prime Minister Najib Razak’s request to retry the “1MDB Case”. On August 18, the Supreme Court held a final hearing for Najib and it will last until August 26th.

 Najib argued that the 42 million Malaysian Ringgit (RM) he received in his bank account was due to an unauthorized manipulation of the account by Jho Low (刘特佐) without his knowledge. But the prosecution’s ad hoc prosecutor said there was evidence that Jho Low was originally one of the managers of Najib’s bank account. Prosecutors pointed out that Najib had admitted during questioning that he had asked Jho Low to ensure that he had sufficient funds in his personal account so that he could issue large checks of millions of dollars as he wished.

 The Malaysian government also accused Jho Low of conspiring with Najib to steal billions of RM from 1MDB (1Malaysia Development Berhad). According to local media reports on July 16, the Attorney General’s office confirmed that Jho Low had tried to pay RM1.5 billion to settle the government’s charges against him, but his request had been rejected.

 Jho Low (刘特佐) is the illegitimate son of Meng Jianzhu (孟建柱), the former Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of the Communist China. In 2017, under the instruction of Sun Lijun (孙力军), the then deputy minister of the Ministry of Public Security of the Communist China, Jho Low bribed American rapper Michelle, former Justice Department lawyer George Higginbotham, Former U.S. Republican Fundraising Committee Vice Chairman Elliott Broidy and Nickie Davis, to lobby the Trump administration to drop the judicial investigation into the 1MDB case and Jho Low, and to repatriate Miles Guo. Currently, George Higginbotham, Broidy and Nicky Davis have all pleaded guilty for acting as foreign agents without registration.

 The US judicial system has been subjected to serious infiltration and manipulation by the CCP. It is clearly shown in incidents such as the bribery of Higginbotham, endless lawsuits against Miles Guo launched by the Pacific Alliance Group, and the Paul Hastings Law Firm assuming the trustee role of Miles’s “property trustee”.

 Jho Low is a key figure behind in all these cases, and Jho Low also requested the US Department of Justice for a settlement, which was also rejected. Currently, Jho Low is hiding in Shanghai. It is believed that when Jho Low is extradited to the United States, possible corrupted figures within the U.S. judicial system will be revealed.

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