Military Vaccine Mandate is Shocking

According to reports on August 22, vaccine mandates nearly three years after the start of the pandemic, House conservatives are preparing to boycott the current vaccine mandate. The House Freedom Caucus plans to use the leverage of the spending bill to compel action from the current administration.

Scott Perry, a Republican in the House of Representatives, said that there have been countless disputes in every vaccine mandate funding negotiation. Military vaccine mandate is a “national security” issue. The decline in the number of applications for military membership is due to the Department of Defense for allegedly not handling religious exemption requests in good faith.

Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CA) said “Punishing our incredible service members because they declined to take an unproven, experimental vaccine was totally wrong. In the majority, conservatives will make it a priority to end federal COVID vaccine mandates, reinstate these brave men and women, and ensure they’re made whole.”

Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-Texas) finds the military vaccine mandate particularly alarming. That’s because the military is made up primarily of healthy young people. He asked Congress to work to provide “back pay” and “active duty jobs” for anyone discharged for the vaccine mandate.

Republicans, including the leadership, have said they will work to use mechanisms such as the National Defense Authorization Act or government funding bills to revoke the vaccine mandate. This would be the basis for an investigation of entities like the CDC on measures taken in response to the outbreak. Yet Republicans will only be able to achieve the desired results with a funding showdown.

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