New Federal State Of China | Whistleblower Movement

Day: August 18, 2022

COVID-19 Vaccine

Myocarditis from Covid Injections is Likely Underestimated Given Past Lessons from Smallpox Vaccinations

In 201, a reporting of myocarditis and pericarditis after smallpox vaccination (“SPX”) and vaccination with an inactivated trivalent influenza vaccine (“TIV”). Despite being published 7 years ago before anyone had heard of “Covid”, the findings in this study could have very significant implications for the Covid-19 mRNA injections.

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COVID-19 Vaccine

How many people will this “new” Covid Injection kill or maim?

The UK is the first to “approve” a new Covid jab from Moderna. The author suspects that the conspirators and their bought and paid for collaborators will doubtless now do more killing and maiming. The medical profession and the nursing profession care only about their massive pay demands. MHRA, accepted £980,000 from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, seem unaware of all the reported deaths, and the clots and the myocarditis etc.

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