In a television interview on August 11th, former FBI deputy assistant director said that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has infiltrated the highest levels of the U.S. government.
He also said that many agents have a similar feeling that the CCP has used the economic and trade processes to infiltrate the U.S. in various ways for several years, and now it has reached the highest levels of the U.S. government with clear evidence. The U.S. is currently moving toward a communist ideology that is very dangerous for the country, but the CCP is messing in the wrong place, because revolutions have eventually broken out wherever communists take over, such as the Cuban Revolution, the Russian Revolution, and there is also such a real one going on in the United States.
Since Miles Guo started the Whistleblower Movement in 2017, he has continuously reminded the world that the CCP’s deep penetration is the source of its confidence in repeatedly disrupting the world order, and this has been confirmed by the claims of the former senior U.S. FBI official.

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