New Federal State Of China | Whistleblower Movement

CCP Smears Miles Guo Again as the Bankruptcy Case Intensifies

On August 11, Miles Guo mentioned in a Gettr video that a source from some country’s intelligence agency alerted him to an article published by Zerohedge, an American media outlet that works with the Russian KGB.

It is believed that the article was provided by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for Zerohedge, and the author is essentially anti-America and has close ties to the CCP. This article aims to bring damage to Miles in the bankruptcy case by spreading out-of-context disinformation about Miles. For example, it only mentioned Miles’ ample wealth but not a word about the CCP’s persecution of Miles and the fact that Miles is the one who wanted to take down the CCP.

Miles noted that the purpose of the article was to provide Luc with news materials that could be cited in court and to give Luc, the DOJ trustee’s office, and the court ammunition to prepare an attack on him. These tactics are exactly the same as when CCP attempted to get Miles repatriated back to China in 2017. By doing so, CCP wants to achieve two goals, first, to fabricate false evidence that Miles was in contempt of court, and second, to mislead the court into thinking that Miles was guilty of bankruptcy fraud.

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