New Federal State Of China | Whistleblower Movement

Day: August 11, 2022

COVID-19 Vaccine

Vaccine-Injured Speak Out: Testimonies from Victims and Medical Personnel

A video titled ‘mRNA ‘Vaccine’ Genocide 2021-2022’ tells the stories of people around the world who have been injured by Covid injections. Their struggle, their pain, and their deaths deserve to be acknowledged for what they are — the result of medical malfeasance, regulatory corruption and societal “mass formation” insanity driven by media fearmongering and outright lies.

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COVID-19 Vaccine

Airline “Vaccine” Mandates Cause Job Loss, Vaccine Injuries, Airport Chaos and Flight Delays

Commercial airline pilots are speaking up more than ever about vaccine injuries and the “hostile” environment that unvaccinated and vaccine-injured pilots must endure. Australian Captain Glen Waters was employed with Virgin Australia Airlines. After 20 years of exemplary service, Virgin terminated his employment. Why? Because he declined the Covid “vaccine.”

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COVID-19 Vaccine

Covid-19 Vaxx are deadly and are killing people in the Thousands: Mortality Rates are lowest among the Unvaccinated in all Age Groups

UK reports Covid-19 vaccines are deadly and killing people in the thousands; mortality rates per 100,000 are the lowest among the unvaccinated population in every single age group in England. And the data reveals the gap between the unvaccinated and vaccinated population in terms of mortality rates is widening by the month.

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