New Federal State Of China | Whistleblower Movement

Himalaya Exchange is Awarded with an Important License

On August 3rd, Miles Guo mentioned in the Grand Live Broadcast that the Himalaya Exchange recently obtained a very important license from a powerful country. Not long ago, some of Mr. Guo’s close friends did not believe that this could happen.
Miles further explained that there are over 5 sovereign countries have actively contacted the Himalaya Exchange so far to ask for starting operation in their countries, and it is expected that a lot more Himalaya series of stablecoins will be launched soon. This is inseparable from the investment and licenses issued by sovereign countries, as well as digital banking licenses, payment licenses, and fund licenses. These are expected to make the Himalaya Exchange a trillion-dollar business in less than 300 days.
The license awarded to Himalaya Exchange this time is hard to get approved, and it is for the benefits of the followers of the Whistleblower Movement for many generations to come. A fund that knows Mr. Guo has applied for 1 year and 7 months without receiving any response, which is much larger than the Himalaya Exchange. The license is also the one most wanted by Xiao Jianhua of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), which can only buy it illegally with money, while the one awarded to the Himalaya Exchange lives up to its reputation and it was won purely through real strength.
The CCP always takes advantage of China’s huge market of 1.4 billion people to threaten the Western economy, which is also the weakness of the West and has brought great obstacles to the complete destruction of the CCP. The Himalaya Exchange is the future of China after the elimination of the Chinese dictatorship, and the license will give Westerners a legal and reasonable channel to enter the Chinese market. The West does not need to collude with the Chinese regime and still retains China’s strong market. As long as the Great Firewall is overthrown, the 1.4 billion Chinese will rush in to buy Hcoin, in which the Whistleblower Movement has absolute confidence. Also, the Himalaya Exchange is not just an exchange, it is not just relying on transaction fees to profit, it is a matter related to mintage.

Translator: MOS Translation Team — Jessica Loves Moon
Design&editor: HBamboo(昆仑竹)