The USS Ronald Reagan nuclear-powered supercarrier entered the South China Sea on a routine cruise. This is just before the US House speaker Nancy Pelosi’s trip to Asia, which includes the possibility of visiting Taiwan. If she goes to Taiwan, Pelosi would be the highest ranking U.S. official to visit the country since 1997. However, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) always claims Taiwan as part of mainland China, and not an independent country.
China has warned US about this mooted trip, saying Unites States will “bear all the consequences”.
Zhao Lijian, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman said the Chinese military will not sit back and merely watch such a visit. He stated that “firm and resolute measures will be taken by the CCP to defeat any foreign interference and separatist attempts to increase Taiwan independence. Washington has confirmed that if Ms. Pelosi’s itinerary continues as stated, her plane will be under protection of USA fighter jets, warships, and surveillance resources.
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has loudly criticised the United States, calling it the greatest threat to regional peace and stability when the nuclear-powered supercarrier USS Ronald Reagan entered international waters in the South China Sea.
Now, all countries can clearly see the tactics and threat of the dictatorship of the CCP, who have previously broken international laws in the South China Sea, by annexing islands and turning them into illegal military bases. Let us follow Miles Guo to take down the evil CCP!

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