In an interview with Nikkei Asian Review, U.S. Pacific Army Commander Charles Flynn said the U.S. Army is considering deploying a multi-domain task force in Asia that would integrate missile, electronic and cyber capabilities. This unit, known as the Multi‑Domain Task Force, would be responsible for taking the lead in destroying the CCP’s air defence and command and control systems.
“The Multi-Domain Task Force is an Army unit comprised of several thousand personnel divided into four groups with fire power, air defence, logistics and information warfare capabilities. This task force gathers intelligence in peacetime to prepare for contingencies by understanding adversary behaviour patterns and vulnerabilities. In the event of war, the goal of electronic and cyber-attacks is to disrupt the enemy’s communications networks and command and control systems. Using pre-acquired intelligence, the unit can strike enemy ships and facilities with missiles to deliver various simultaneous attacks.
The two currently available Multi-Domain Task Forces are based in the U.S. state of Washington and in Germany. The third task force was initially planned for Hawaii, but the U.S. is now considering deploying the force to Asia, closer to China. The flexibility of the ground force is such that it can straightforwardly avoid Chinese Communist missile attacks. Also, as a forward force, the contingent would take the lead in destroying the CCP’s air defences, and command and control systems, creating gaps permitting U.S. warships and fighter jets to approach the Chinese perimeter.

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