New Federal State Of China | Whistleblower Movement

European Parliament Warns CCP Not to Invade Taiwan

Miles Guo, the founder of Whistleblower Movement and co-founder of New Federal State of China (NFSC), said in his latest live streaming that Nancy Pelosi will definitely visit Taiwan, and not only Pelosi, but you will see that batches of people will also be going to visit Taiwan.

 Taiwan plays an essential role in the world, especially for the stability of Asia. More than half of the world’s chips are produced by Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) Ltd. in Taiwan. The key to modern science and technology is fully reflected in the chip industry. 

 Taiwan is located in a critical thoroughfare for the Chinese Communist Party’s ambitious expansion into the Pacific region, it is imperative that a stable, secure, responsible, and trustworthy international partnership can be established to effectively safeguard Taiwan’s security, which is necessary for the security of all humanity.

 European Parliament Vice President Nicola Beer made a trip to Taiwan. As soon as she stepped off the plane, she made a speech saying Taiwan’s achievement of democracy and freedom is also the achievement of Europe, Europe will not neglect the threats to Taiwan posed by Communist China. 

 Beer stressed that humans have witnessed wars in Europe, and never want to see wars in Asia. Now is the time to stand uncompromisingly with Taiwan. Europe and Taiwan are one big family from the democratic camp. She also stated that despite the geographical distance between Taiwan and Europe, both parties share the same common values that bind them to each other. Beer was born into a German family and felt the threat of authoritarian communism. Therefore, she found her personal experience resonated with the situation in Taiwan.

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