Die Blockchain Technologie der KPCh ist zu anfällig
Das Datenleak der Shanghai National Police enthüllt zwei fatale Probleme Ein Top-Geheimnis des Staates: es
Das Datenleak der Shanghai National Police enthüllt zwei fatale Probleme Ein Top-Geheimnis des Staates: es
Le peuple chinois présente de graves symptômes de complexe d’infériorité Si c’est notre Nouvel Etat
La deuxième grande révélation (à partir des données divulguées) est Que la Chine communiste compte
Pourquoi j’ai dit qu’il existait un projet Double Dragon De s’emparer de Hong Kong et
Det kinesiska folket har allvarliga symtom på mindervärdeskomplex Om den nya federala staten Kina hade
즉 중국인들은 심각한 열등감을 갖고 있는데 만약 신중국연방이 집권 했다면 남경대학살의 진상이 밝혀졌을것이고 이것이 우리가
Pfizer-BioNTech’s Covid-19 “vaccine” contains potassium chloride of undisclosed concentration. Potassium chloride is essential for the proper functioning of the heart however, the side effects of excessive potassium include uneven heartbeat, muscle weakness or limp feeling, severe stomach pain, and numbness or tingling in your hands, feet, or mouth. Potassium chloride should not be injected into those who have a cardiac disorder.
Professor Norman Fenton has been reporting on the bias of the BBC documentary ‘Unvaccinated’ which is being screened today, 20 July. It’s an attempt to convince those who have chosen not to have a Covid injection to “get jabbed.” It is a timely, eye-opening investigation commissioned by BBC Factual, the BBC claims without explaining why it is “timely” – presumably, they are hoping we believe, due most likely to the fraudulent use of PCR tests, “Covid-19 is on the rise again.”
NSW Health report: Covid injections are “very effective in preventing the severe impacts of infections with the virus” and those who have chosen not to have a “vaccine” are significantly overrepresented in hospitals. As their own data proves, the statement about the unvaccinated being overrepresented in hospital is a complete lie.
The latest official figures published by the Government of Canada reveal the vaccinated population now account for 92% of Covid-19 deaths across Canada, with nearly half of those deaths being recorded among the quadruple vaccinated population.