Dr. Akira Fujisawa, is the chairman and physician of internal medicine at the hospital in Hokkaido, Japan. He initiated the United Association of Aspirants from Hokkaido to the whole country, with 268 physicians from various disciplines and 537 medical practitioners. The petition to the Japanese Ministry of Health in February of this year, strongly requested the suspension of COVID-19 vaccination for children aged 5 to 11 including pregnant women. Details were attached concerning side effects after adult vaccination.
Dr. Fujisawa discussed key points of the mRNA vaccine. The vaccine corresponding to the Wuhan virus strain two and a half years ago is ineffective against the Omicron strain now. The negative effect of the vaccine is ‘the more vaccines you get, the more infected you get’.
Another point mentioned was the effect of intensive disease prevention is only 1-2 months at the beginning of the prevention, there is only a negative effect after that, stating the more vaccines you get, it will be easier to die.
Finally, the vaccines prevent normal natural immune system function and adjustment as the more vaccines you get, the immunity will be lower resulting wtih the body unable to live in the natural world. However, Dr. Fujisawa said he is going to desperately try to tell the truth and reduce the number of victims.
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