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Australian Universities Ban International Students from Learning Critical Technology

As of July 1, 2022, the Department of Home Affairs will no longer provide visas to international students, according to a ban published on the Australian government website. International students are not allowed to enroll in critical technology programs in Australia.

 Technology increases productivity and raises living standards, but it also has the ability to compromise democratic norms and the nation’s security. In order to achieve economic prosperity and national security, universities, industry, and the research sectors are essential. However, some nations undercut Australian interests by interfering abroad, leading to intellectual property theft. According to the Australian government, vital technologies include: refers to current and emerging technologies, such as non-digital synthetic biology or digital artificial intelligence, that can directly threaten Australia’s national interests in terms of economic success, social cohesion, and national security. At this time, a list of specific programs and specialties has not been released by the Australian government.

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