The CCP Treated Northeast as a Place of Plunder and Gilding, and Does Not Allow Northern Cadres to Hold the Power of the CCP

The Communist Party treats the Northeast as a place of plundered, gilded place, never to let the people in the Northeast to hold power.

I saw someone mention Hui Liangyu. Hui Liangyu came from Jilin, one of the worst guys. He almost destroyed Jilin. These people recently, the entirety of Jilin, the development in the next ten years, when he was in power, the things for the next ten years he sold them all. In exchange for his promotion. Then after being promoted to the central, he was in charge of agriculture again, he stole from people of Jilin, almost exhausting everything. It is entirely different, he came from Jilin, he gained his fortune in Jilin, he destroyed Jilin, this is the most thorough. After that, Li Keqiang from Henan came to Liaoning, that was totally a transition at the time he was doing it for the country. As one of the candidates for the general secretary, at minimum he can be a Prime Minister, he is very incapable, but unfortunately, these people that surrounded Liaoning sacrificed the province over and over again, sacrificed very thoroughly. Li Keqiang’s was doing housing projects, when I went to Liaoning I toured around, I asked about the housing project, very simple, the people said, if you have a house to live in, do you need a project? No need. A shack dweller housing project, can you solve the people of Northeast’s housing problem? That place in the winter, the kind of houses being built by Li’s project, a maximum life spans, that is no more than 5 to 10 years. This is nonsense. I lived in a shack dwelling housing project, how do I eat? The Great Northeast is so cold, who will give me pork to eat? Who will give me a high-fat meal? Who will give me pig’s trotters? Of course not, right? It is bullshit. It is a political project.

The Communist Party treats the Northeast as a place of plundered, gilded place, never to let the people in the Northeast to hold power. Deng Xiaoping personally said to Chen Xitong, Zhang Haifa, you two should pay attention, there is a policy in this party. Northern cadres are not allowed to grasp the power of the Communist Party. The two of you don’t ever put an effort and to dream, Zhang Baifa wanted to be the Secretary of Beijing Municipal Committee, that was not allowed. It’s Chen Xitong who wanted to be the prime minister, that was impossible. It ended up being Jiang Zemin after holding the power, cracking on the melon seeds, to conspire with Zeng Qinghong. To arrest Chen Xitong, to spare Zhang Baifa in the end. Told Zhang Baifa, the influential people at the time, Baifa made a report on Chen Xitong. The evidence was almost real like Chen Xitong and Baifa, two people were as close as real brothers, like father and son. You can see that it looked great. Baifa, won’t arrest you, you have to report on Chen Xitong. He (xitong) is clean. How about your Rolex watch? You can see how Jiang shouted at him, Chen Xitong didn’t have it the Rolex Watch. Zhang said but I have Patek Philippe. Hahaha, Wow. This northerner. Oh, Jiang Zemin said, how many pieces do you have from the Patek Philippe? He said I have one piece, where is it? Did Chen Xitong give it to you? His son actually gave it to me. Jiang said that’s enough.

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Translator: 喜马拉雅华盛顿特区农场
Design&editor: HBamboo(昆仑竹)

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