Leaked Data Exposes Communist China’s Huge Overreported Population

According to reports, a hacker claimed to have obtained information on 1 billion Chinese citizens held by the Ministry of Public Security of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), and asked for 10 bitcoins for all the data. This incident is the largest data breach by the CCP police in 70 years. Previously, Miles Guo also mentioned many times in the live broadcast that Communist China overreported their population, and the actual demographic number is below 1.4 billion. On July 6th, Miles confirmed the news again in a livestream.

Miles said that the most significant message of the data leak incident is the truth about Communist China’s 1 billion population. The overreported amount is equivalent to the entire population of the U.S., It is estimated that if the leaked population data is true, all the economic data released by the past are all false. Merely the overreported population amount is equivalent to the entire U.S., that of four Japan or five Russia.

The average age of the mainland Chinese 1 billion people by 2028 will be 68 to 70 years old, meaning country will rapidly age and population will be reduced to around 850 million. The one-child policy of the CCP and the current environmental pollution causes the entire country and nation to lose its future.

From the leak of the CCP’s population data, Miles commented that the CCP’s global response and crisis management capabilities are vulnerable. Once the information is leaked, there is no way to restore it to its original state of confidentiality.

Miles also revealed that according to the breached information, privacy of many CCP officials will be exposed to the world, thus refreshing people’s impression on those officials. This has frightened many officials, as people will totally disbelief the authority once the private information goes public. This puts an end to the CCP’s credibility and their hope for a better future.

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