CCP May Be Intricately Linked to the Assassination of Abe

On July 8th, the founder of the Whistleblower Movement Miles Guo said in the Grand Live Broadcast that from various indications, the Chinese embassy in Japan may be intricately linked to the assassination of Shinzo Abe.

Miles Guo revealed that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has directly entrusted a spokesperson in Japan to send messages to Mr. Abe many times, asking him not to talk about Taiwan issue. In March of this year, the CCP once again threatened Abe, who was willing to go to Taiwan to stand for the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) during Taiwan election. The CCP even released the internal message: “If threats don’t work, they will do whatever it takes.” About two months ago, the CCP threaten the Japanese government and Abe that they would withdraw all CCP state-owned enterprises from Japan within 26 months.

For a long time, the CCP has infiltrated Japan in various areas, but this has caused Japan to be highly vigilant. According to a report by the French Broadcasting Corporation on July 7, the former Japanese Public Security Investigation Agency’s investigation and analysis officer Masatoshi Fujitani, said on the ABEMA Prime program of the Japanese network TV station ABEMA, it is estimated that the CCP has sent 20,000 to 2.5 million spies or agents to Japan, but the Japanese Public Security Investigation Agency has only 1,700 staff, which are completely disproportionate.

The assassination of Abe is a tragedy, but the truth will eventually come to light. Miles Guo has said that in Asia, all good things may have nothing to do with the CCP, and all bad things are all related to the CCP in one way or another, directly or indirectly.

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