The first trial session of Sun Lijun was held on July 8th. Sun Lijun was the former deputy minister of the Ministry of Public Security of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Sun pleaded guilty in court, and the court announced scheduled sentencing.
Sun Lijun is the main henchmen of Wang Qishan, a senior leader in the CCP. Sun committed countless crimes. He killed many innocent people in Hong Kong, and it would be difficult for him to count how many people he has killed. Since Miles Guo started the Whistleblower Movement, Sun Lijun has been a focus of exposure. Sun has also participated in lobbying to repatriate Miles. In February 2020, during the CCP virus pandemic, Sun arrived in Wuhan and was immediately banned from leaving the border. The media announced Sun Lijun’s arrest on April 19 (an important day for the Whistleblower Movement). In 2021, Sun Lijun confessed many people’s crimes in prison, and consequently, Xi Jinping arrested those who involved. At the end of 2021, Sun participated in a TV series named “Zero Tolerance”, a show arranged by the Communist central government to make these people confess in front of camera. Initially, Wang Qishan hoped to use the show to resist Xi Jinping, but after that, the producers of the show were all arrested.
From the photos of the court trial, Sun Lijun’s health condition is deteriorating, and the CCP charged him for several crimes, such as bribery, stock market manipulation, and illegally possession of firearms.

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