New Federal State Of China | Whistleblower Movement

Miles Grand Livestream: North-eastern Chinese Image Ruined by the CCP

Miles Guo: I think the most important point about the Whistleblower Movement is that it allows the Chinese people at least, not 100%, know more about the history of China, so that we do not live in emptiness in this life, that is, we cannot live into a stereotype of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) shaped for the North-eastern Chinese people: eating the Porridge of maize paste, adding some white buns, then cracking sunflower seeds and talking about blue stories, with a big flowered satin top and a big gold ring, to follow suit.

I think it is more important for North-eastern people to see the history and to understand that the situation in the north-eastern now is very dangerous. The North-eastern people constitute the largest percentage of population not only in China, but also in Asia, with also the most percentage of criminals. The reason is very simple Nobody wants to leave their hometown, just as we want to stay in China, it is only people without a choice that they choose to leave. The water spills out because the cup cannot keep so much water.

We are now the Chinese who have been excluded, in fact, we are a microcosm of the North-eastern people. For those North-eastern people are now in China and I have dealt with over the years, I feel strongly that they completely do not know what is going on. Regarding the deteriorating environment, worsening conscience and regime suppression, they are completely unaware. All the local industries in the north-east cannot make ends meet, and a lot of industrial development in China lack such industrial base.

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