On July 6th, Miles Guo broke in the Grand Live Broadcast that a hacker recently sold Shanghai police database, which contains about 1 billion Chinese citizens’ information, for 10 bitcoins on the Internet, and the leak marks the opening of the curtain of the universal trial of the regime and another climax of the complete destruction of the CCP from within.
The incident reflects that blockchain encryption technology is unbearable in Communist China. The cloud data stored judicial documents, the total real population ruled by the regime and other information that is top national secret of defense A level, using the Bluedon encryption system invented by the CCP and blockchain encryption. The only country capable of decryption is Israel, and this information leak is definitely not the work of hackers, but a deliberate act from within the CCP. If the hackers were just trying to make money, they would be asking too cheaply. At the time, a hacker group was asking $10 million to sell the records of Meng Jianzhu’s interrogation when he was arrested, and tens of millions of dollars was asked for on Sun Lijun’s case file, but the leaked information of 1 billion people is only worth 10 bitcoins.
The leaked data indicates that the real population of Communist China is only 1 billion, much less than the widely circulated 1.4 billion. At the same time, it debunks that all the data about the Chinese economy released by the CCP, Bloomberg and other media are false. Due to the family planning policy implemented by the CCP and the environmental pollution under the “uterus economy”, it is estimated that the population of mainland China would drop to 850 million in 2028, and the average age will rise rapidly to 60-70 years old according to the current fertility rate and mortality rate.

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