As Part of the Russian invasion, Ukraine Registers More Than 31,000 Crimes

According to Ukrainian media reports, the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine issued a statement on Telegram.

“A total of 20,940 crimes of aggression and war crimes committed by the Russian military have been registered, namely 20,165 crimes related to the breaking of laws and customs of war, 73 crimes related to planning, preparing for, starting and waging an aggressive war, 19 crimes related to the propaganda of war and 683 other crimes,” the report pointed out.

In addition, law enforcement officers filed a total of 10,381 crimes against national security, including 7,282 crimes against the territorial integrity and inviolability of Ukraine, 1,231 crimes of treason, 1,403 crimes of conspiracy, 78 crimes of assisting in invasion against the territory of Ukraine, and 64 crimes related to sabotage and 323 other crimes.

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