New Federal State Of China | Whistleblower Movement

Taiwan Proposes Bill to Prohibit Chinese Communist Companies R&D Offices in Taiwan

Ministry of Economic Affairs of Taiwan announced a draft bill to the Measures to Approve Chinese For-profit Businesses Establishing Subsidiaries or Offices in Taiwan which would ban Chinese-owned companies from setting up operational research and development (R&D) offices in Taiwan while strengthening regulations on the establishment of subsidiaries in Taiwan by Chinese for-profit enterprises. The draft amendments will also include provisions to further restrict Chinese communist companies from hunting Taiwan R&D talent, the Taipei Times reported on July 2.

A Ministry of Justice Investigation Bureau of Taiwan found that 10 CCP companies had illegally set up subsidiaries or R&D branches in Taiwan, pretending to be foreign investors or Taiwanese companies in an attempt to poach talent from Taiwan’s high-tech industries.

The draft amendment would allow the Taiwan government to take a tougher stance to prevent Chinese companies from systematically poaching talent from Taiwanese companies, which could affect the country’s economic development and national security.

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