New Federal State Of China | Whistleblower Movement

Month: June 2022

Australian Teacher got bad adverse reaction from COVID jab and lost her job due to mandate afterwards

Australian Teacher got bad adverse reaction from COVID jab and lost her job due to mandate afterwards

Teacher Bek Bickerton says she was hospitalised after her first Covid dose
The 27-year-old was diagnosed with POTS and spent two months bed ridden
Ms Bickerton opted not to get the second dose and was unable to return to work
The state’s Covid mandate required high-risk workers to be double vaccinated
Premier Palaszczuk said unvaccinated staff can return to work from June 30

Fraudulent ‘Long Covid Kids’ Charity is stealing money from the Foolish & Naive

Fraudulent ‘Long Covid Kids’ Charity is stealing money from the Foolish & Naive

In April 2022, a charity called Long Covid Kids sent out an email to all schools to ‘shine a light’ on what they term Post Covid Syndrome. The 140-page report details the harrowing effects of Long Covid on children’s physical and mental health. It also details their four main mission statements; to raise awareness, provide support, instigate research into Long Covid and provide action in the form of campaigns to mitigate the risks of Covid and ‘place wellbeing at the heart of education’.

Panel of Experts Exposes Deadly Advice Given by Australia’s CASA Supporting Forced Vaccination of Pilots

Panel of Experts Exposes Deadly Advice Given by Australia’s CASA Supporting Forced Vaccination of Pilots

The aviation industry is ignoring risks introduced via its own Covid policies. It has introduced widespread medical risk to its personnel. In a newly released video, ‘Global Aviation: Fit to Fly?’, a panel of accomplished pilots and deeply experienced doctors discuss the medical advice of the Australian Civil Aviation Safety Authority (“CASA”) and discuss its serious shortcomings