Former Conservative Leader Claims the CCP Interfered in Canadian 2021 Election

It is reported that then-Conservative party leader Erin O’Toole said on June 18 that due to Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s interference in the 2021 national election, his support rate in the party and the party’s number of seats in parliament suffered a substantial reduction.

O’Toole said the CCP’s meddling partly determined the outcome of the election. It had an effect in several key areas, including B.C and Ontario.

O’Toole spoke specifically about the platform WeChat, a social media and messaging app developed by the CCP’s multinational Tencent. He said misinformation about the Conservatives spread on the platform turned many voters against Conservatives, and it has proven decisively disruptive in nine regional elections.

O’Toole also said he hadn’t been more outspoken about this issue because he believed the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) would alert the public and relevant departments. He urged that a better defense against such interference should be demanded in the next federal election.

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