The CCP Further Tightens Internet Speech Controls

It is reported on June 17th, the Cyberspace Administration of Communist China released draft regulations on the management of Internet follow-up commenting services. The draft further tightens the control of netizens’ speech.

The draft stipulates that users must verify their real identities; otherwise, they cannot comment or reply. Replies and comments must be examined before posting. Technical processing means are used to improve the ability to dispose of messages, and inappropriate comments found must be reported to the Cyberspace Administration Office. Suppose any speech that violates national regulations is found. In that case, procedures that will be adopted include warning, refusal to publish, deletion of messages, restricting functions, suspending account updates, closing accounts, prohibiting re-registration, and keeping relevant records. The platform will grade users according to their followers and comments, adding to their credit evaluation.

Netizens’ replies and comments have always been blocked. For example, under messages posted by official Chinese Communist Party (CCP) accounts, often only the number of responses is displayed. Sometimes among tens of thousands of comments, only a few so-called selected comments are displayed. This method of managing followers’ comments is actually already implemented and is even more ruthless than the various controls set out above.

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