John Deng: Cut 40% Chip Supply, Chinese State Media Supressed the News

From the unexplained ban on pineapples, sugar apple and grouper to white scallops, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has been constantly bullying against Taiwan economically. In response, Taiwan’s Executive Yuan Councilors John Deng recently went for Geneva to attend the WTO Ministerial Conference (MC12) and pointed out in an interview with Reuters that he hoped Taiwan’s chip exports to Communist China would be cut by 40%. But unlike in the past, the Chinese Foreign Ministry and official media has not counterattacked.

According to Reuters, John Deng, said, because the chip supply of global electric vehicles and cell phones rely on Taiwan, if the CCP attacks Taiwan, it will cause damage to international supply chain, and international economic order, so that the global supply shortage will occur.

Taiwan’s chip production dominates the global market, and the total value of exports last year alone reached $118 billion. Therefore, John Deng pointed out that he hoped Taiwan’s chip exports to China could be reduced by 40%. The interview coincided with the CCP’s ban on Taiwan’s grouper and white scallops. However, the Chinese Foreign Ministry and official media did not respond to Deng’s hope to reduce the supply of chips.

The only one Chinese self-media expressed that Taiwan’s semiconductor industry relies on Communist China and simply does not have gut to challenge the mainland. Once Taiwan’s semiconductor trade with Communist China goes to zero, the Chinese market will naturally be grabbed by other countries, and Taiwan will run to a dead end.

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