Japan will Station Troops in Taiwan

“Japan explicitly wants to establish agencies and deploy troops in Taiwan,” Mr. Miles Guo said during the 2nd Anniversary Celebration of the New Federal State of China on June 4, 2022. “While the U.S. also clearly tells the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) that it wants to restructure the UN, support Japan’s membership, and return Republic of China to the UN.”

“A U.S. congressman has proposed to take back all the money that has been used to support the CCP in history, and the CCP would lose everything if it were being held accountable.” Miles continued. “And the CCP saw that the U.S. sent troops to the East China Sea, performed QUAD joint military exercises, formed alliance Japan, and its relationship with Russia flopped drastically, all above made the CCP realize that its demise is unstoppable.”

“Based on the facts, the CCP already begun to prepare for its demise, which includes securing CCP senior official’s overseas illegitimate children’s wealth and legal status, separating domestic financial institutions and overseas financial institutions, disentangling the money of China and that of the CCP, and splitting money from the CCP domestically and money from its overseas institutions (to avoid all the CCP’s money being all frozen and seized by the West).”

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