Miles Guo revealed in the grand livestream on May 29 that more than 70 countries are already considering filing an arbitration request in the International Court of Arbitration in London to demand the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) compensate for the damages caused by the CCP’s poisonous vaccines.
Miles said that mandatory vaccination against the CCP virus worldwide is now halted. Pfizer executives admit that the company’s production of the CCP virus vaccine has stalled and that many vaccines have been destroyed because they have expired. The CCP’s previous efforts to peddle the vaccines worldwide are also beginning to bring retribution to the Communist Party itself. Many countries have informed the CCP through their embassies that people in those countries are dying because of the vaccines provided by the CCP, so more than 70 countries are already planning to file independent arbitration against the CCP in the International Court of Arbitration in London.
If the CCP does not participate in the arbitration, the British court will likely rule against the CCP. According to the CCP’s self-proclaimed gift of 6 billion doses of the toxic vaccine to the world, which is conservatively estimated to cause 6 million deaths, the CCP would have to compensate the world at least $6 trillion to $60 trillion. If the U.S. were to publicly announce a halt to mandatory vaccination against the CCP virus, the CCP would be saddled with a debt that it would not be able to repay until its demise.

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