New Federal State Of China | Whistleblower Movement

U.S. Military Deployment In Three Dimensions Against China, Russia And North Korea

In the grand live broadcast on May 24, Miles revealed the three-dimensional military deployment of the United States in the surrounding region against the CCP, Russia, and North Korea.
Miles said North Korea’s bluffing military parade and missile test could only threaten neighboring South Korea and Japan. In particular, President Biden visited Japan and landed at the U.S. military base in Japan. Completing the three-level authorization of the U.S. military’s nuclear weapons means that as long as Communist China, Russia, and North Korea attempt to launch a war, the U.S. military can exercise the highest authority for military counterattacks all by itself.Miles pointed out that the U.S. military has formed a comprehensive military surveillance three-dimensional strike network system for North Korea and the surrounding areas of the CCP. There are early warning, surveillance, and detection satellites in the sky, X-47, X-47B aerospace aircraft, stealth fighters, and drones. There are cruisers and killer-class nuclear submarines in the sea, coupled with various authorizations from the U.S. military bases in Japan.
Miles emphasized that the CCP military knew in 2002 that the U.S. military could quickly defeat the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) with reserve troops. The current U.S. military deployment in North Korea is a scaled-down version of encirclement and suppression, targeting the CCP, Russia, and North Korea.

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