Features of Lying-flat Coin and Its Distribution

In the grand live broadcast on May 24th, Miles Guo shared an update about Tang Ping Coin (meaning Lying Flat Coin), which is coming soon for a trial run in July. He again explained the features of the Tang Ping coin and how the New Federal State of China will distribute the Tang Ping coin.
Miles described Tang Ping Coin as a completely decentralized digital currency that does not require KYC – Know Your Customer. Once launched, Tang Ping Coin will be traded in any exchange around the world. Prices and transactions are not subject to any control. The essence of Tang Ping Coin is derived from the fact that you can earn it by simply using it
In terms of the value of Tang Ping Coin on social platforms, its value can be reflected in the advertising. The time spent by users on certain social media will be converted into Tang Ping Coins. The more users use a certain social media and the longer the usage time is, the higher value of Tang Ping Coin will be.

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