It is reported on May 24, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky emphasized that the Ukrainian will once again sit down with Russian representatives to have a meeting when Ukrainian troops go back to pre-invasion positions that began three months ago.
In an interview with Japanese media NHK, Zelensky said: “For all Ukrainians, victory is the recovery of all territories. We must recover the Donbas region and the Crimean Peninsula. Before that, I must first recover to the state before February 24, and then I will be at the negotiating table.” Zelensky announced on Monday that because of Vladimir-Putin’s leading role in Moscow’s decision, he would only meet with Putin in the possible future.
On the other hand, the Ukrainian President lamented that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is “adopting the mindset that it is okay to occupy other countries’ territory.” This seems to imply that the CCP wants to forcibly retake the island of Taiwan.
Zelensky thanked Japan for supporting Ukraine in a clear, frank, substantive and positive way, saying: “It is important that the CCP and Russia are not allowed to join forces.” He also highlighted the value of the Indo-Pacific alliance between the four countries – Japan, Australia, the US and India. Zelensky also reiterated his condemnation of Russia’s alleged blockade of millions of tons of wheat, a commodity he considers “very important for Asia, Europe and Africa.”

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