New Federal State Of China | Whistleblower Movement

The George Washington of China

On May 2, 2022, in an interview, Mr. Steve K. Bannon, the host of War Room Pandemic Show which is the top political show in the world, sincerely and highly praised Mr. Miles Guo, the founder of the New Federal State of China, for his relentless effort and dedication to take down the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
Mr. Bannon called Mr. Guo “the George Washington of China”, fighting this long odd fight, like the American Revolution was, to take down the CCP, to free the Chinese people. Mr. Bannon says that Mr. Guo is the personification of a fighting spirit and has dedicated his life to take down the CCP.
Mr. Guo is the most formidable force in the world to take down the CCP. He was imprisoned by the CCP for his support of the June 4th, 1989 student democratic movement in Beijing China. After his release from the prison, he is determined to take down the CCP and bring democracy to China. He has danced with the wolves with the CCP top leadership team for 30 years and established a wealth of business and political contacts around the world. He has built tremendous wealth with his incredible business acumen. He fled China in 2015 to avoid political persecution by the CCP and started the Whistleblower Movement in 2017 to expose CCP’s nefarious plan to dominate the world. He established the Rule of Law Foundation in Nov., 2018 and founded the New Federal State of China on June 4, 2020.

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