Miles interpreted there is no one except Xi Jingping who is capable of representing the CCP at present. No one else could do or dare to do that. After taking power, Xi Jingping has destroyed the CCP perfectly for the past 10 years, causing heavy blows to the CCP as an organization. Thus, he is our best fellow fighter in a sense. For instance, some old former CCP senior leaders have died one after another. Even though Jiang Zemin, Zhu Rongji, and some others are still alive, it is impossible for them to stand against Xi because of their ages and other reasons. Furthermore, people around Zeng Qinghong and Wang Qishan were arrested in the name of the anti-corruption political movement, making the kleptocrats rather die. The rest powerful ones with a sense of resistance, such as Hu Jintao, Li Zhanshu, and Hu Chunhua, are not only few in number, their strength has also faded.
Miles further explained Xi Jinping’s assumption of power is the greatest gift from God to the Whistleblowers Movement (WM). When there is only one target left to destroy, the moment of victory is determined. As the whole of China has become the communist state of Xi now, once Xi is eliminated, the CCP goes up in smoke too. Xi is already equivalent to Russia’s Putin, the former Iraqi Saddam Hussein, and Libya’s Gaddafi.
Finally, Miles emphasized that the only two persons who can change China and make the Chinese have hope are Xi Jinping and Miles Guo in the world. Either Xi Jinping prolongs CCP’s life for a few more years by attacking Taiwan, or the WM and the New Federal State of China would change everything at once.

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