On April 30, Miles Guo revealed in a Gettr video that the U.S. stock market is in trouble due to declining earnings data from many major U.S. technology companies. He added that Hong Kong stock market plummeted as well, and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) authorities began setting economic targets for provinces and requested closed companies to resume production. All of these show that the global economic disaster has begun.
Miles said that big-tech giants such as Apple and Amazon have exhausted their inventories around the globe during these 2 years of pandemic. At the same time they took advantage of telecommunications, internet technologies, and transportation that smaller enterprises may not have during the lockdown period to make higher profit.
As lockdowns continue, countries will keep using the world’s inventories which may run out of global supplies and disrupt the global supply chains. This in turn would end the always-winning state for those big-techs. The annual reports and financial statements that those companies have just released have reflected the market and economy issues.
In China, the CCP authorities are now unable to maintain the fabricated economy due to overwhelmed debt defaults and fake numbers in the housing market. Even more, they now have no ways to cover up the current worsening economic situation in mainland China. The Central Committee of the CCP has begun to suspend its slaughter-style harvesting of private enterprises across the country, asking the provinces to resume production and giving the unrealistic target of “ensuring sustained economic growth by 2022.”

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