New Federal State Of China | Whistleblower Movement

Eliminate The Four Evils And The Zero Virus Policy Of The CCP Virus

At the beginning of the Great Leap Forward in February 1958, Communist Party leader Mao Zedong launched a patriotic health campaign to eliminate the four pests, which led to disastrous consequences such as natural ecological imbalance.

According to history, in 1955, Mao ordered the total elimination of sparrows on the pretext that sparrows ate farmers’ crops. From 1956 onwards, the Communist Party issued several instructions to eliminate the four pests, requiring all regions to eradicate rats, sparrows, flies, and mosquitoes within ten years. Provinces vied for credit, saying they could finish ahead of schedule, and Beijing even stated that it would complete the task within two years.As a result, various places set up a “four pests” command, deployed the battle, formulated a comprehensive battle plan to encircle and suppress the four evils (pests), and the commander-in-chief and second-in-command personally went to the field to direct the operations. Subsequently, various places scrambled to report and exaggerate falsely. According to records, the Shanghai wars annihilated sparrows in one day and 350,000 eggs. It wasn’t easy to hear birds in China for the next two decades.

The Chinese dictatorship disregarded science and violated the laws of nature to clear the sparrow of the “four evils.” As a result, it broke the natural equilibrium and destroyed the ecological environment.Coupled with the political purge of the anti-rightist Great Leap Forward campaign, which caused a nationwide famine, the death toll was countless, and it was the Chinese people who endured the consequences of “clearing up.” Currently, the Chinese Communist Party uses mass nucleic acid testing, isolation in concentration camps, and extreme containment in many places to achieve a so-called “dynamic clean-up” of the virus.

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