New Federal State Of China | Whistleblower Movement

Additional Equipment Installed At The Rescue Camp At The Frontline

On Apr 20th, new equipment for public information was installed at the Medyka camp of the New Federal State of China (NFSC) and the Rule of Law Foundation (ROLF) rescue team, including a large-screen LED TV inside the rescue tent and a 6-meter-high LED billboard. According to the correspondent at the front line, the rescue tent was a stronghold of the international organizations and Ukrainian refugees, where they could work and rest.

The touching footage made by fellow fighters of the Whistleblower Movement automatically played non-stop on the LED TV inside the tent, which also expedited the NFSC’s recognition by volunteers from different nations. The LED billboards were placed for the Ukrainian refugees’ only way to flee the country, facilitating their seeking help by playing the video clips of the NFSC and local rescue organizations in a loop.

It was learnt that peripheral items including the vest of “take down CCP”, balloon and coffee became very popular among the volunteers at the camp from the beginning of the NFSC’s rescue operation in Medyka.

In addition, the work permits issued by the Polish government to volunteers and the signposts at the rescue camp were conspicuously emblazoned with the NFSC’s name and flag. International friends expressed their strong support for the NFSC’s resolve to take down the CCP besides their appreciation to the selfless and diligent fellow fighters at the front line.

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Translator : MOS Buddhism Team – Ronald Yan
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