The Whistleblower Movement was sparked by the 419 Voice of America (VOA) broadcast interruption. From the 419-Incident, the Chinese people started to adhere to “the only truth is unbreakable” and used the truth as a weapon to expose the falsehood and ugliness of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), so that more people in the world can see the evils of the CCP.
On April 14th, 2020, in a live broadcast, Miles Guo summarized the three most important points about 419. First, it opened a new era of social media for the Chinese people, the era of the Whistleblower Revolution led by Miles. Second, the 419 VOA interruption exposed the CCP’s silent force in the United States and made the United States truly aware of the dangerous relationship with the CCP. As a result, the US government started to investigate the Voice of America. Third, the 419 predicted that HNA will end tragically. Later, its CEO, Wang Jian died tragically in Provence, France. At the same time, it also showed the world that Wang Qishan, the second most important figure of the CCP, is not as spotless as he appeared to be. On the contrary, he is a giant thief who stole the wealth of the Chinese people.And when the time comes on the eve of April 19th in 2022, the world is already at a crossroads of great change. The Whistleblower Movement established the New Federal State of China in 2020 as a milestone and continues to change the image of the Chinese people in the world step by step. In 2020, the CCP virus is raging around the world, and team members around the world bravely went on the streets to reveal the truth of the CCP virus and shout out “Take Down the CCP”.

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