According to foreign media reports on Apr 2, Elon Musk and NASA unveiled a new rocket called the Light Speed Engine, a new design that defies physics and dramatically changes current space travel rules by allowing us to reach Mars in weeks instead of months. The engine is currently being tested on a new spacecraft.
At present, most commercial and military rockets reportedly use chemical fuels that have to be pre-made on Earth, which are extremely expensive and highly complex, yet have severe limitations on thrust capability of lifting off from the Earth’s surface. Musk’s new engine, which runs on electricity, is installed on a revolutionary rocket named Raptor, with a thrust of more than 500,000 pounds and 30% less carbon dioxide emissions thanks to the use of liquid methane, a clean and environmentally friendly fuel. Before it enters outer space, tests will be conducted on Earth, and engineers estimated that the short flight, sort of up-and-down flights, would be probably in the first half of next year.
The electromagnetic drive, the core to achieve the speed of light flight that violates Newton’s third law, generates a thrust by the acceleration of superheated plasma through a magnetic field without interdependent action or reaction forces, yet is very environmentally friendly in space because of no propellant. Space X has successful experiments on the device. Musk’s goal is to create a light-speed engine that can reach velocity at 186,000 miles per second and take people to Mars in just 70 days, making space travel a reality, while current manned spacecraft need 0.5 years to reach Mars.

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