New Federal State Of China | Whistleblower Movement

Himalaya Exchange Breaks Single-day Trading Volume Of $10 Million Mark

In the grand live broadcast on March 30, Miles Guo said that the recent decline of Himalaya Coin (HCN) all the way down to around 30 Himalaya Dollar (HDO with fixed 1:1 exchange rate to US dollar) triggered a lot of people’s concern. But the most important thing for HCN is not the price, but the volume of transactions and the circulation of Himalaya Pay (HPAY). In just 20 minutes or less, the real-time data on the trading volume of HCN increased rapidly from 497,000 to 607,000, with the single-day trading volume breaking the $10 million mark and moving towards the $20 million stage.

In this regard, Miles analyzed that it is difficult to attract large funds such as strategic investors when the price of HCN is above 40 HDO. These days the price has dropped to the current psychological price, which is around 30 HDO, and the daily trading volume has made a qualitative leap. Some Asian industry giants who visited Himalaya exchange headquarter said that the climb in trading volume could already rank third in the world. Together with the excellent design of HCN itself, it has the strength to become the hope of the digital currency market.

In addition, Miles revealed that G-Fashion has also seen a 10x, 20x trading volume recently. Transactions using HPay are growing rapidly. Moreover the new GTV has attracted investment moguls to subscribe to 10% of shares. Miles urged his comrades not to rush to dump HCN because of the momentary decline, and within a few weeks, there will be a series of good news about the G series.

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