New Federal State Of China | Whistleblower Movement

The CCP Colludes with the Powers of Greed Attempting to Promote the Communist ‘Common Prosperity’

In a live broadcast on January 12th, Miles Guo disclosed that Ray Dalio, Co-Chairman & Co-Chief Investment Officer of the Bridgewater, and the Chinese Vice President Wang Qishan are the brothers in life and death. Wang’s survival from current infighting among the CCP has been depending on Ray and the Bridgewater Fund.

Wang had handed over one trillion U.S. dollars of the Chinese national fund to Bridgewater to manage. Bridgewater not only has invested nearly 60% of the top15,000 companies in Communist China but also has been the sole investor that holds nearly 100% of the related quality stocks of Xinjiang enterprises and mines of Xinjiang, investments in Inner Mongolia and Tibet; almost the entire CCP-related investment in technology stocks are invested by Ray Dalio as well.

Bridgewater brings far more harm to the Chinese people than a country could ever do. Currently, greedy capitalists like Ray Dalio and some other European power-greedy are colluding with the CCP. In the United States, Europe, and even around the world, they are attempting to plunder 80% of wealth from the people by means of violent bloodshed and laws in the name of ‘common prosperity.’ In the comparison of Chinese history, where the CCP did it by taking over all assets from landlords and killing the wealthy owners, none of this prosperity was shared with the general public but was taken over by the powers. The ordinary people still have to pay for all their livelihood, and even worse they have to face a survival crisis and to fill in the huge defalcation from the powers at the end.

Translated by MOS Education Team – Sarahyy
Design&editor: Hbamboo