Eric Shawn: China blocks full probe on COVID-19 origin… wonder why?
Jamie Metzl says China is engaged in ‘a massive criminal cover-up’ to hide how the pandemic really started.
Jamie Metzl says China is engaged in ‘a massive criminal cover-up’ to hide how the pandemic really started.
The FDA and CDC cannot reveal the true URF and PTR because that would put them in hot water; it would be an admission that they got it totally wrong on the myocarditis data and everything else.
Horrible Stories After COVID Shot Vaccine.
New York Times best-selling author Berenson showed Rogan Public Health England’s (PHE) “COVID-19 Vaccine Surveillance Report Week 38” :The majority of COVID deaths occurred in the fully vaccinated during September.
According to theexpose.uk, database from US CDC has shown a “shockingly large increase” of deaths due to “symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified” in the past several months:
People who have had the mRNA injected have changed their innate immune system, which leads to the increasing incidence of cancer. The remission of cancer is reactivated, and the recurrence rate is getting higher and higher.