How a vaccine is supposed to be made
The virus has to be separated and processed, diluted, trialed on animals then human trials. Then produced. Without the real virus, it is hard to imagine there is a real vaccine.
The virus has to be separated and processed, diluted, trialed on animals then human trials. Then produced. Without the real virus, it is hard to imagine there is a real vaccine.
There have now been 2,433 fetal deaths recorded in VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) from pregnant women who have been injected with one of the COVID-19 shots.
p53 gene, is known as the “guardian of the human genome”; injected covid vaccine
will make the p53 gene lose its ability to inhibit the formation of cancer
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said Big Pharma and the media have divided the political parties and created racial animus so nobody will notice they are making billions to “execute the controlled demolition of American constitutional democracy.”
A girl in Washington, 17, died of cardiac arrest after she received her second dose of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine. She fully recovered from a coronavirus infection in August and felt “completely well” prior to her death. The girl is the third person in Washington to have possibly died from a COVID-19 vaccine.
Tony Fauci on Sunday told ABC’s This Week Americans may need their Pfizer booster shots every six months.
The world has gone mad. We knew when ‘experts’ decided to vaccinate children that there would be more deaths from the vaccination than from COVID. Big pharma and Media colluded.
The European Medicines Agency stated that the adverse reaction data from COVID-19 shots were posted in an portal that “allows users to view the total number of individual suspected side effect reports (also known as Individual Case Safety Reports, or ICSRs).”
The Democrats seized the COVID-19 pandemic and turned it into a weapon to strip Americans of their fundamental freedoms. Dr Atlas revealed it was the policy of Dr. Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx that led Americans to struggles and lives to be lost
Senator Blackburn joins press conference to address the origins and truth about COVID-19.