The Center for Disease Control (CDC) has admitted that they do not have any verifiable documentation detailing transmission rates among unvaccinated people and the coronavirus, effectively damning a popular scientific narrative which has often accused non-vaccinated individuals of indiscriminately spreading the virus.
Mayo Clinic says blood clots in the brain are 3.5 times more likely to develop if vaccinated with the CCP vaccine.
Though the Covid-19 death rate for children of ANY age is effectively ZERO. Moderna’s clinical trial between the ages of 6 months and 5 years old children will be conducted across 79 locations in 13 states and involve about ~13,250 participants in total.
A U.S. appeals court on Friday upheld its decision to put on hold an order by President Joe Biden for companies with 100 workers or more to require COVID-19 vaccines, rejecting a challenge by his administration.
Most new “Breakthrough” infections are from vaccinated which turned out vaccines did not work.
High-covid vaxx rate means high death rate- ship, plane, sporting people, in total 25% of those vaccinated may start to die from May 2022
This is a full length presentation of Dr. David Martin’s riveting Red Pill Expo speech reveals the “they” — the names and faces of the people who created this Covid “theater of terror” and who are murdering adults and children with their bio-weapon.