New Federal State Of China | Whistleblower Movement

Day: July 27, 2021

COVID-19 Vaccine

Exposing the Fake Science Driving Covid-19 and The Great Reset Agenda

“Trust but verify,” others will say. Unfortunately, that’s not an option in the case of Covid-19 in general and their so-called “vaccines” in particular because trusting would mean getting the injections. There’s no going back if it’s verified to be dangerous later. Besides, one can easily make the case that they’re already verified as dangerous, though their efficacy against Covid-19 itself is questionable. “Trust the science,” they say. I do. But I do not trust the scientists, or to be more specific, I do not trust scientists who have been bullied, bribed, or blackmailed into doing the bidding of the powers-that-be.

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COVID-19 Vaccine

Department of Justice Declares COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Legal

The Department of Justice concluded in an opinion that federal law doesn’t prohibit public agencies and private businesses from requiring COVID-19 vaccines (made by made by Moderna, Pfizer, and Johnson & Johnson) under the Food and Drug Administration’s emergency use authorization. Amid reports of an increase in “Delta” variant cases, authorities in France and Italy have recently introduced vaccine passport-type systems for entering private businesses, including restaurants, gyms, theaters, and more, a move that triggered widespread demonstrations across Europe over the weekend.

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